Page DAO Presents the
Readme Books NFTBook Minter
Create your NFT
The PageDAO ReadMe Books NFTBook Minter is designed to give PageDAO Members the opportunity to collaborate in the creation of an NFTBook Collection the DAO owns on
1/3 of Royalties received by the DAO go to buy $PAGE.
*This open source technology is in beta, and does not like large files.
Get started now.
Please connect your wallet to get started.
PageDAO Membership card required to mint.
What does the NFTBook Minter do exactly?


How do I connect to Matic Network for minting?


How will people read my book?


Can anyone read my book?


How do I list my NFTBooks for sale after minting?


What do I do if minted a book by mistake or need to make an edit?


Why Matic NFTBooks? Why not Ethereum?


How can I get $MATIC to pay for gas to mint?


Scan with WalletConnect to connect